Companies in almost every industry in Canada hold millions of dollars in various types of unclaimed property, including uncashed dividend checks, and unexchanged shares following a merger, acquisition or other corporate action.

It quickly becomes a burdensome task for companies to track unclaimed property, perform the required due diligence processes, and ultimately to remit any remaining unclaimed property to provincial governments. Additionally, provincial audits are increasing in frequency, bringing with them greater risk of being fined and penalized.

We’ll help you address these risks and responsibilities, providing your organization with customized solutions to best meet your needs.

We help repatriate your lost shareholders with their unclaimed entitlements.

Why choose Georgeson for your ASSET REUNIFICATION® program:

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    Reduce loss of unclaimed property and remittance to the provinces

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    Minimize compliance risk

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    Promote shareholder goodwill

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    Improve account holder relationships

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    Reduce administrative workload so you can focus on your core priorities

We have assisted over 100 companies, inclusive of members of the S&P/TSX Composite Index, S&P 500, Dow Jones, FTSE 100 and Fortune 100.

​To learn more, please contact us.

"ASSET REUNIFICATION" is a registered trademark of Georgeson Shareholder Communications Canada Inc.