Communicating your efforts
The reporting landscape is rapidly changing, driven by market expectations and upcoming regulations, both domestic and abroad. Companies must increasingly adapt their reporting practices to align with these expectations or face investor and regulatory implications.
Georgeson focuses on investor-favored standards and frameworks that are most relevant, while aligning with emerging regulated reporting requirements. By doing so, we are crafting impactful, user-friendly disclosures that are robust and resilient for the long term.
Current frameworks and standards favored by investors:
Regulations impacting future disclosures:
- SEC Final Climate Disclosure Ruling
- California Climate Disclosures Laws, SB253 and SB261
- European Union, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) (assoc. standards are the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS))
ESG Reporting
What to know about the final SEC climate rule
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
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