​If your company is considering a corporate repurchase program, our focus is on helping you to achieve your goals efficiently and cost effectively. Georgeson provides personalized service, working with you to understand your strategy and execute your buyback program in line with your objectives at the optimal pricing.​

​Georgeson Securities Corporation*, a registered broker dealer, has been assisting issuers with 10b-18 repurchase programs since 2011. Our service provides a one stop shop for executing, clearing and settling your shares, as well as automatically transferring and retiring them into your designated Computershare account on every settlement date.​​

​*Georgeson Securities Corporation​ legal notices
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    Automated processes

    Our automated processes aid you in reducing the risk of errors that cause delays. Georgeson and Computershare work in tandem, tracking your shares from start to finish to provide a continuous accurate share count.​

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    Our goals are aligned with yours

    Unlike traditional brokers, we don’t own shar​es, take a position in any securities, trade for an inhouse account or provide buy-side incentives. All fees are prearranged and we work to optimize your returns as our traders are diligent in their commitment to achieving best execution, with beating the VWAP as their gauge.

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    Single point of contact

    We work with Computershare to provide a seamless process that covers the entire transaction, from order entry through settlement, and timely delivery of shares to your treasury account — all through one point of contact.

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    Superior customer service​

    Georgeson’s corporate repurchase team possesses more than 20 years of experience in trading, clearing and delivery of shares. We are committed to providing you with the attention and quality service that you expect​.


Capitalize on your strategy with a corporate repurchasing program

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