​Outbound Retail Campaign

​We help you communicate with retail shareholders. You often need a response from these investors to achieve challenging acceptance thresholds. Our strategy is based on a top-down approach to target the largest retail investors and help you understand what they will do. If the online retail bulletin boards show any opposition we report this back to you.

"Georgeson played a critical role in helping us achieve our acceptance threshold. Their help was extremely valuable. We already use Georgeson for AGM proxy support and shareholder IDs, but we will now involve Georgeson in all future deals." — Qiagen GmbH


Inbound helpline

We provide a call and email service for your shareholders to ask questions. Our extensively trained agents answer these questions to take pressure off your teams. To maintain high standards, we use a pre-approved script and Q&A document and monitor our agents daily. The script we maintain draws on our extensive experience and understanding of the types of questions your shareholders will ask. The answers to these questions are then pre-approved by you and your legal team.

Contact us

Speak to one of our experts today about how we can help you get retail shareholder support.

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