Has your company undergone a merger, acquisition or spin-off

​We have advised and managed small shareholder oddlot programmes for more than 30 years.

Oddlot Holders

Corporate events can create many 'small' shareholders who own fewer than 100 shares — known as ‘oddlot’ holders. Your shareholders can easily sell or increase their holdings to 100 shares using our programmes, which are designed to be cost-effective for you and your shareholders – and often can be offered at little or no cost to the issuer.

We will manage all aspects of the programme, including:

  • help-your-securityholders-claim-lost-assets

    Customised programme development

  • istock-647096200

    Strategic shareholder communications

  • clean-up-your-register-after-a-corporate-transaction

    Full coordination with your share registrar

  • istock-510482146

    Regular reporting on shareholder response

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